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Shadowsocks Server - Socks5 Proxy. With proxy shadowsocks server - sock5 proxy your data and traffic is protected. This server very fast/High speed, High Encryption and stable. This server very good for online gaming. Shadowsocks is a proxy software that was built for the specific purpose of helping people in internet censored countries access the blocked websites, it has become very popular among Chinese users recent years, it is also a very helpful tool for foreign travelers in China or some other internet censored countries, as it’s a cheaper way for them to unblock those frequently used websites like Polipo, a forwarding and caching HTTP/1.1 proxy server with IPv4 support. Open Source running on GNU/Linux, OpenWrt, Windows, Mac OS X, and FreeBSD. Almost any Web browser can use it. Privoxy, a non-caching SOCKS-to-HTTP proxy. Part of the Shadowsocks package on Windows. References Shadowsocks client for Android device, with working proxy account. Users can choose IPv6 or IPv4 proxy connection to browse the web privately and securely. Shadowsocks is a secure socks5 proxy with a variety of encryption methods to encrypt and obfuscate your online data.

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Shadowsocks is a free and light socks5 web proxy. It is mostly used to bypass some network censorship and restrictions on the Internet. Installation. Preparation for the install, generally updating the system and installing epel release. Shadowsocks is a high-performance cross-platform secured socks5 proxy. It will help you surf the internet privately and securely. Shadowsocks is a high