May 09, 2007 · HTTP keep-alive connections can be re-used for multiple requests, as opposed to non-keep-alive connections, which are limited to one request. Using keep-alive connections improves performance. If a proxy server is not configured, this preference controls whether to use keep alive connections on supporting servers.

Jun 11, 2020 · The keep alive timeout period is configurable through a property named keepalive.timeout.millis, specified in the TargetEndpoint configuration of an API proxy. For example, the keep alive time period can be set to 30 seconds for a specific backend service in the TargetEndpoint. I just found this "bug" in Firefox Beta and bisected my way down to this ticket. Well, we have an anonymization service with several thousands of users that relies (due to its architecture) on network.http.proxy.keep-alive set to false in order to not let the last server in a so-called cascade correlate traffic of users. So, at this point, the web server thinks it is speaking keep-alive with the proxy and will adhere to rules of keep-alive. But the proxy doesn’t know the first thing about keep-alive. Uh-oh. In Figure 4-15d, the dumb proxy relays the web server’s response message back to the client, passing along the Connection: Keep-Alive header from the Create a proxy. This section shows you how to create a proxy in the Functions portal. Open the Azure portal, and then go to your function app. In the left pane, select New proxy. Provide a name for your proxy. Configure the endpoint that's exposed on this function app by specifying the route template and HTTP methods. Jun 30, 2011 · Clients and servers sent each other this header in order to tell the other side to keep the connection opened. By default, there was no keepalive. HTTP 1.1 considers every connection to be kept alive. If one doesn’t want the connection to stay opened, the client or the server has to send the header: Connection: Close. Which means that besides doing what Keep-Alive mode does Auto Switcher builds a queue of working proxy servers. This queue is continously filled and verified in the background. If program finds that current proxy server has stopped responding to the requests an automatic switch will be made to one of the servers from the queue.

Check your application and proxy server configurations to make sure that they support Keep-Alive. You need to pay close attention to the default behavior of HTTP libraries as well. You may also use HTTP/1.1, where Keep-Alive is implemented differently and the connections are kept open by default. Oct 27, 2015 · # Default is HTTP/1, keepalive is only enabled in HTTP/1.1 proxy_http_version 1.1; # Remove the Connection header if the client sends it, # it could be "close" to close a keepalive connection proxy_set_header Connection ""; } I assume that it's an issue with proxy, is there a way to enable keep-alive? Copy link Quote reply Contributor jcrugzz commented Jan 27, 2015. @voronianski Dec 19, 2018 · When Internet Explorer establishes a persistent HTTP connection with a Web server (by using Connection: Keep-Alive headers), Internet Explorer reuses the same TCP/IP socket that was used to receive the initial request until the socket is idle for one minute. After the connection is idle for one minute, Internet Explorer resets the connection.

Configure HAProxy & Keepalive to load balance & proxy network traffic. In this how-to, we'll use a network common to 2 Linux servers. These Linux servers will function as a redundant load-balancing proxy. The HA portion of the load-balancing comes from the Keepalive software.

Persist: Connection: Keep-Alive, Persist. to an origin server (but NOT to a proxy). This allows it to request a persist connection from either an HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/1.0+keepalive server without knowing in advance what the server type is. If the server supports both mechanisms, it should respond with Keep-Alive: Persist: Check your application and proxy server configurations to make sure that they support Keep-Alive. You need to pay close attention to the default behavior of HTTP libraries as well. You may also use HTTP/1.1, where Keep-Alive is implemented differently and the connections are kept open by default.