The server.crt is the actual server certificate issued by your certificate authority for the server NNMI is running on, this is used to automatically authenticate SSL connections for your clients to NNMi that are in the same authentication domain.

Copy SSL Cert - Windows Server to Apache These instructions explain how to export an SSL certificate installed on a Microsoft server for importing to an Apache server. The SSL certificate file is exported as a .crt and .key file and includes the intermediate certificate. If you need your SSL certificate in a .pfx format, please see ssl - Get angular-cli to ng serve over HTTPS - Stack Overflow A certificate signing request is issued via the root SSL certificate we created earlier to create a domain certificate for localhost. The output is a certificate file called server.crt. openssl x509 -req -in server.csr -CA rootCA.pem -CAkey rootCA.key -CAcreateserial -out server.crt -days 500 -sha256 -extfile v3.ext How to Setup OpenVPN On Windows Server 2019 | Liquid Web

18.9. Secure TCP/IP Connections with SSL - PostgreSQL

Save these files and rename your signed SSL certificate file to server.crt 3.Upload the 3rd party Certificates to Desktop Central Click Admin tab on Desktop Central console

A renewal certificate is created, based on the existing (stock) ssl.key file. Optional: At the command prompt, run the following command to verify the attributes in an SSL certificate. openssl x509 -text -noout -in .crt; Run the following commands to install the certificate and key:

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