type rsync -avz --delete ftp.rfc-editor.org::rfcs-text-only my-rfc-mirror (The --delete option is useful for removing local copies of files that have been deleted from the repository. This is helpful to remove expired Internet-Drafts.)

What Ports Need To Be Open For Samba To Communicate With Mar 31, 2017 ssh - Specify identity file (id_rsa) with rsync - Unix Rsync has no problem if the key file is ~/.ssh/id_rsa, but when it is something else I get Permission denied (publickey). With ssh I can specify the identity file with -i, but rsync appears to have no such option. I have also tried temporarily moving the key on the local machine to ~/.ssh/id_rsa, but that similarly does not work. tl;dr UDR Transport Utility — SmartAlek Solutions Oct 05, 2015 Using rsync To Synchronize Local/Remote Systems | Liquid Web

Command Line Tools

rsync - Wikipedia rsync は、UNIXシステムにおいて、差分符号化を使ってデータ転送量を最小化し、遠隔地間のファイルやディレクトリの同期を行うアプリケーションソフトウェアである。 類似のプログラムやプロトコルにはない rsync 独自の特徴として、ミラーサイトとの転送が双方向に高々1回で済む点がある。 networking - Does rsync over ssh require use of UDP? - Ask

Well-Known TCP/IP Port Numbers, Service Names & Protocols

RSync with a non-standard SSH Port - Mike Hostetler Dec 08, 2007 Port 873 (tcp/udp) :: SpeedGuide tcp,udp: rsync: rsync: IANA: 4 records found. SG security scan: port 873. jump to: Related ports: 1194 8081 8899 13131 20001 « back to SG Ports. External Resources SANS Internet Storm Center: port 873. Notes: Port numbers in computer networking represent communication endpoints. Ports are unsigned 16-bit integers (0-65535) that identify a usb - How to speed up rsync? - Super User Updating an already synced directory on a USB drive, or the same drive, or over a network, will all require different rsync commands to maximize transfer speed. Bonus - here's the rsync man page, and if you want to test your hard drive speed, bonnie++ is a good option, and for your network speed, try iperf. CentOS 7 : Rsync : Sync Files : Server World