Add a Static Route on CentOS - eSecureData Inc.

Ubuntu Linux Add Static Route - nixCraft Oct 25, 2012 adding persistent static routes on centos - Networking HowTos This file will probably wont exist if you don’t have any existing static routes. Add a line with the route information in the following format to the file. x.x.x.x/y via z.z.z.z dev interface where: x.x.x.x is the subnet address. y = the subnet mask. eg. 24 z.z.z.z = the gateway address interface = the ethernet interface for this route … networking - How to delete an IP route? - Unix & Linux Here is how you might remove the route by using the route command (from the net-tools package): route del -net netmask And here is how you might delete the same route using the ip command (from the iproute2 package): ip route del

2.3.3. Static Routes and the Default Gateway

A static route does have an Administrative Distance and by default it is 1 and can be set to some different value. Metrics are used by dynamic routing protocols. A static route does not have a metric unless it is being redistributed into a dynamic routing protocol and in that case the assignment of metric is dependent on the particular routing

Adding a Static route in Debain Linux can be done using the "route" command and editing the network script files. Advantage of using the route command is that it alters the Kernel IP Routing table dynamically and the static route becomes available as soon as it is been added. However, a reboot of the server looses this static route.

How to Permanently add Static Route in Linux Nov 08, 2012 How to add permanent static routes in Ubuntu Linux In Ubuntu, permanent static routes also called as Persistent routes are the static route entries that will not be deleted when the network restart or when the system restart. Typically in a Linux System, route add and ip route add commands are used to add static routes to the routing table.