Checks that Port 80 is available for use. Autodesk Vault Server needs port 80 to be free for successful installation and operation. If this check fails, another application is using port 80. From the Windows Start menu, select Run. In the Run dialog box, enter: cmd. Click OK. In the command window, enter: netstat -ano A list of active connections is displayed. Locate the active connection that

Apr 21, 2012 · I used Open Port Check tool to see if my 43594 port was open and it isn't. I went into my firewall and tried just turning it off and it still didn't work. I tried turning my firewall on and adding an exception for Port 43594 (using TCP Protocol) and the port 43594 is still not open so my server can not go online and my friends can not connect. Only one application can listen to a port at a given time, so Apache fails to bind to this port. As port 80 is the default port for http, the most likely reason is that another web server (like IIS) is running on your machine. However, some other applications may also block port 80. One good example is Skype. Resolution Find the process Checks that Port 80 is available for use. Autodesk Vault Server needs port 80 to be free for successful installation and operation. If this check fails, another application is using port 80. From the Windows Start menu, select Run. In the Run dialog box, enter: cmd. Click OK. In the command window, enter: netstat -ano A list of active connections is displayed. Locate the active connection that If you want to check for closed ports on your router, enter your router management console. Open a web browser and enter the IP address or name of the router, for example “”. If the page does not open, try replacing “http” with “https” at the beginning of the address. The most commonly blocked ports are port 80 and port 25. Port 80 is the default port for http traffic. With blocked port 80 you will need to run your web server on a non-standard port. Port 25 is the default port for sending and receiving mail. ISPs block this port to reduce the amount of spam generated by worms on infected machines within

From your output we can see that you have your firewall ports open but there is no service listening on port 80. I would first try starting your application(if you find you need to start MySQL as well, you can just insert mysqld or mysql as the service): sudo service apache2 start. If this runs successfully it should bring your site back up, if

By default, the HTTP port that's used for client-to-site system communication is port 80, and the default HTTPS port is 443. Ports for client-to-site system communication over HTTP or HTTPS can be changed during setup or in the site properties for your Configuration Manager site. Nov 24, 2012 · I used the external port of 6038 and forwarded that to internal port 85 (my ISP blocks 80). The default for the dvr is 6036 but the Netgear router won't let me forward to that port. Says there's a conflict with another service which I can't see, I can get to the login screen of the dvr but it says "connect failed" when try to log in. AV might be using port 80 to send out a request for an update (acting like a browser) but it won't be serving via port 80 as that would require binding and could not be done on any machine serving web pages.

Learn how to set up port forwarding on your Xfinity Gateway. Learn how to set up port forwarding on your Xfinity Gateway. Set Up Port Forwarding on Your Xfinity Gateway.

Dec 14, 2013 · Make sure your Port Forwarding rule has the following set for it: TCP Any --> 80. TCP Any --> 8080 (if you have Apache also listening in here). Also, the IP for your port forwarding entry should point to an IP address, not a hostname, of the computer on your network. Also, I would try doing the port forwarding from a computer or device that is not going to be running Apache, i Learn how to set up port forwarding on your Xfinity Gateway. Learn how to set up port forwarding on your Xfinity Gateway. Set Up Port Forwarding on Your Xfinity Gateway.